A Circus of Circuits: Connections Between Decision Diagrams, Circuits, and Automata

Antoine Amarilli, Marcelo Arenas, YooJung Choi, Mikaƫl Monet, Guy Van den Broeck, and Benjie Wang.
(preprint), 2024

arXiv  BibTex 


This document is an introduction to two related formalisms to define Boolean functions: binary decision diagrams, and Boolean circuits. It presents these formalisms and several of their variants studied in the setting of knowledge compilation. Last, it explains how these formalisms can be connected to the notions of automata over words and trees.


    author    = {Amarilli, Antoine and Arenas, Marcelo and Choi, YooJung and Monet, Mika{\"e}l and Van den Broeck, Guy and Wang, Benjie},
    title     = {A Circus of Circuits: Connections Between Decision Diagrams, Circuits, and Automata},
    journal   = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.09674},
    year      = {2024},
    month     = {apr},